Monday, December 04, 2006

Huff Huff...Boom

Eight hundred five eight eight two three hundred, empire..... today!! I have to say it is the most annoying commertial on the planet. I many times ask God, "Why did you allow such a mind mushing song like the Empire Today commertial? It is like mustard gas to my ears, and pretty much makes me want to shoot any speaker that playes it with an elephant gun, or maybe just pull the pin on a gernade and stand real close to the radio..." Then God quickly reminds me that its not for me to judge Empire Today by their commercial. So I hang my head in shame with my tail between my legs and say...."ok!"

This then brings up the point. If something annoys me... should I completely shun it from my life? Yea, it makes me want to huff my Subaru exhaust but do other people take joy in it? I suppose that I dont have to be spacific but for the sake of this.. we will say.. Empire today.

Now I think I have made my point with my love of the flooring company. But Many people may take joy in that commercial. How about the creators of that commercial. They must have liked it...,, or the company... they must have liked it... How many times have we seen Jesus in Scripture get annoyed with people and what they were doing or even saying...and get annoyed to the point of "pullling the pin on a gernade and standing close to the radio..."? It seems to me that even though God got annoyed sometimes.. He still loved everyone to allow His son to be Crushed! Thinking of it that way makes my little rant about a commertial pretty dumb.

So they question is .. How do my actions, reactions, attitude, and life affect other people? And am I being selfish in thinking that other people aren't affected by them? Did Jesus live for others???

P.S. I think the same about the band Creed (with the gernades and exhaust stuff)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Big Words & Big Smarts

Well... I have to say that I am Blogging. I have read many blogs to sense the ideas of the posts and really what to say. I keep coming to the conclusion that alot of 'Bloggers" use many big words in their blogs and they all seem to be intelegent people. I dont think I can even spell Intelegant correctly. Maybe I should spell check this... but I dont think I will for the sake of an arguement.

I guess this is my disclamer for the rest of the blogs that I shall post here.... so here I go...

My kids are crying. they seem to always be crying.... or wining. I dont want them to wine and cry so I hold them. I dont want to hold them... my back hurts. So I pray that that my sanity will be spared and my kids willl not hate me.

God has lit a fire in my ass. (yea... I have to clarify that it is not IN my ass just "around" (i guess) my ass) to get off my ass and work for His Mission. I see now how the Mission (cap. intentional) is more important than anything in front of me. I feel this way stronger than ever before. In the time my wife and I have been married (3yrs), I can finally see how God has designed us for is Gospel. I Just took a look back and the whole thing... analized where we were, where we came from, and where we are at... and BOOM!!!! It was all there. God showed me that my family can, and is capable to propel the Gospel. I have to admit that there were times that I didnt think we could.

My wife--- she prays.. "good googly moogly" does she pray. God has revealed Himself an uncountable times through her praying and her revelations in meditation.

Me--- I work. I love (and hate) people. and I figure things out.

This doesnt look like much.. but to me ... its my thoughts.. so BLOG BLOG BLOG!!!!

wow.. I think that this is what you do. you write your thoughts and see who looks at them and comments so your thoughts wont go unnoticed. WOW ... I hope It works.

Boats are good...
Subaru's are good....
God Is Master and Chief. and better than all.

Monday, August 28, 2006

I Blog Because of Joshua

Ok.. this here is for a good friend Joshua....

I am Blogging.. I dont know how to blog... I have never blogged before and I feel a little afraid!

I blog because of Joshua